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About Our Business

Creative Consultancy

Drs. Anne Heleen Bijl works as consultant, facilitator and trainer in the field of creative thinking and communication, in business as well as in non-profit organizations.

The nature of her work varies: facilitating creative sessions, individual management coaching, leading conferences, interactive lectures, workshops in creative techniques,  training in entrepreneurship and innovation.

As a chairperson and moderator and keynote speaker in international conferences she helps participants (from cardiologists to ICT specialists to politicians and captains of industry) coming from different cultures, to gain a better understanding of each other with an open mind, to develop new views and perspectives and to come fast to concrete results cooperating together.

In addition to facilitating organizational breakthroughs in different fields and find new products and services, she guides many (international) companies to introduce an innovative, inspiring climate. With the aid of ‘creative communication’ she connects all parties and organizations involved, as well as managers and their teams, people from research, sales, marketing, production and healthcare.

Using creative methods, she stimulates new ideas as well as a shared vision and partnership. These methods are a perfect instrument to build adequate, joyful teams in a constructive atmosphere, teams that are energetic, dedicated and motivated to realize their chosen goals.

Anne Heleen Bijl is a member of several creative network organizations. She published books and articles about the subject of creative thinking. She won three times the first prize in the European Congress for Creativity and Innovation for her presentations and concept for creating motivated, inspired teams and synergy that find new solutions.

She has her own company called Anne Heleen Bijl, Creatieve Consultancy in Noordlaren, the Netherlands.

She is the president of the Flow and Go Foundation, working in African countries to empower economical poor communities in a creative way.

ENG version: About

International working experience

Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Knowledge:  Leonardo Next  
Anne Heleen Bijl trains in Italy participants from 5 countries to become innovation expert in industry. She also gives workshops about innovation and creativity to entrepreneurs in Italy, (in Venice, Milan, Palermo) Hongary, Roumania and Switzerland.

European Union

“Clear Creativity”: in 6 European countries best practices are located in education, a.o. over 100 universities and other training institutions participate in the project with Confindustria Veneto.

'Creative Communication 'in the Next 4PA , Public Administration project, with participants coming from Italy, Slovenia and Austria.

European Union

Development and facilitation of many international sessions; Philips have DDS  “Breakthrough project”: creating breakthroughs in the shaving domain (technical as well as psychological)
Philips Advanced Technology Center: leading workshops as chairman and facilitator for creating new Mother and Child Care products;
Facilitating sessions for new functions and design of shavers; creating “game changing” totally new products for Philips.

Philips DAP

Facilitator in international session for inventing new possibilities for television and programming.

Philips design

Chairperson of international congress for cardiologists about a.o. digital pacemakers, facilitating a creative climate and open-mindness.


Facilitating workshop for all worldwide controllers on innovations in banking.


(financed by 4 Ministries, the European Union and the Dutch Employers’ Organisation VNO/NCW) consultant in Benin for CEC, Worldcontact and about 30 different small companies, among them the newspaper management team L’Afrique Tambour
Working with managers from Benin, Senegal and Togo to improve the innovative climate and promote West African products in Europe.


Working for PUM: with Other Stakeholders to help SME’s and NGO’s to develop sustainable projects and CSR in a creative and innovative way. Create a platform for NGO's to work together


Working for the Naleli women Initiative in Livingstone and Mwandi, training 250 women in entrepreneurship and creative thinking, to gain prosperity and empowerment. Working with the city council. Training a 100 student of the Technological University.


Training consultants in coaching skills and creativity to transmit their knowledge to entrepreneurship for R&D


Working with the board of Imago Dei that works for 90 projects for economic empowerment in townships and work with project leaders as well as students.


Keynote speaker about innovation for 300 Swiss and French entrepreneurs.

Rezonance, Switzerland, Genève

Facilitating workshop with participants of 10 countries for creating new opportunities to attract people from all over the world to the center in its new location.

Danish Center for Architecture, Copenhagen:

In: Poland, Denmark, Germany, Portugal, Belgium, facilitating workshops and  giving lectures about cross-cultural innovation and  how to create a shared vision in a multicultural environment; how to create synergy and co-operation in teams and organizations.

ECCI Congresses

In Budapest, Anne Heleen facilitates the symposium with participants from 11 countries( in French language) to create the shared vision and plans for the future.

Pikler Foundation

Facilitating workshop about creative thinking and innovation for a large group of consultants coming from about 14 countries


Member of the delegation of northern Holland with the Minister of Foreign Affairs to the IST congress in Helsinki (Finland), facilitating contacts with participants of many countries.


Presentation about creative thinking and synergy in symposium in Naples (Italy)


Training in the townships near Capetown for Learn to Earn and Bloemfontein and in Qwaqwa, together with the Universities of Free State and Qwaqwa, empowerment of pastors and community leaders in the townships to improve the situation of the community and of student’s entrepreneurship.

South Africa

ENG version: Testimonials
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